You know, you're thinking: "My god, that silly title!" But that's how I knew them, and not appropriate them unfairly call them by their first name .. It is curious because these tiles are one of the flagships of the mother of my friend and high school, Mom Zilla, indeed! I fell in love as soon as I tasted them first, I was the first year of high school .. Perhaps this was just one of the recipes that I began to do and do it over again, and that made me excited about the "stuff" ... although in truth the first time I made them years ago, I forgot the yeast and I created some nice stone! However by
, tomorrow is St. Valentine, then the "Trick of Love" if they are not released today, when I publish them?!?! ;)
O love them or hate them, and I love them ...;)
to cover:
1 bag of flour coconut 250 g (not you use it your all, but better to facilitate the operations abound)
200 g dark chocolate
250-300 grams of milk
for the "pan cake "
1 egg 200 g sugar
200 grams of flour 00
50 g butter
1 tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon baking
Melt In a saucepan glass of milk, honey and butter. Meanwhile, fitted with the whisk the egg with sugar until it becomes light and fluffy. Add egg slowly the hot milk alternately to the flour + sugar and continue to work with whips and, lastly, add baking powder and vanilla.
Put in a roasting pan lined with parchment paper on the bottom and sides with buttered, mine is about 40x25 cm .. however, you must create an strterello indicative of just over 1 cm.
Bake at 180 ° C for about 40-45 minutes in conventional oven, it depends a bit 'from your oven .. however the surface has become brown.
Let cool, scoop the parallelepipedini about 2.5 x1, 5 cm, will be raised as high as your sponge cake (sponge cake then that is not ...;). It will be quite "substantial", but everything is normal, because it must be dipped in chocolate.
Bring then a lot of patience and go through every trick in the chocolate (which you have melted over low heat with milk and made it cool) and then in flour coconut, going well on all sides.
I do something with one hand and the other with the other hand, not to mess each time the coconut with his fingers covered in chocolate: it's nice that the pet stays white!
Just the facts .... if they are very soft, forward, not keep them fresh and obviously not in the fridge!
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