the 1 st place with 7052 reports, the Dovecote Trapani, an ancient fortress built at the entrance of the harbor. The original center was built for military reasons by the Carthaginian general Hamilcar Barca in the second century BC, while the second half of the fourteenth century took the form of a castle fortress, with the construction of the walls of the annexed elliptical and octagonal tower. With another adaptation of the defensive structure in 1848, the prison became a Dovecote, built inside small cells, and exploiting the large central courtyard.
Since 1965, the year of closing the prison, the Dovecote has been abandoned and high-risk all'incuria collapse and add up the vandalism. The association "Save Dovecote", established in 1993 to protect and enhance the historic castle, is struggling to return to its former glory and sent to the FAI, the highest number of votes collected. In fact, for years the city of Trapani asks the transfer of ownership to the State to deal with the recovery work and find a new use compatible with the monument, but a long and complex bureaucratic process so far has prevented.
Since 1965, the year of closing the prison, the Dovecote has been abandoned and high-risk all'incuria collapse and add up the vandalism. The association "Save Dovecote", established in 1993 to protect and enhance the historic castle, is struggling to return to its former glory and sent to the FAI, the highest number of votes collected. In fact, for years the city of Trapani asks the transfer of ownership to the State to deal with the recovery work and find a new use compatible with the monument, but a long and complex bureaucratic process so far has prevented.
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