Meme fragrant reading the blog of
Saffron also check what time I saw one of my msn contacts (I'll come knocking on your kitchen the next time the comrades!) I just have to try my hand in my second Meme ...
1.Which smell of cooking favorites when you were a child?
The smell of roasted chicken with potatoes in the winter ... it was Sunday, no school, and after the potato crisp, the chocolate pastarelle:)
2.What are the smells of food that will tickle the most 'appetite?
The smell of food cooked in the oven usually tickles me a lot, the smell of roasted eggplant made from Parmesan to saccottini stuffed with cheese and ham ... the flan ... cakes ...
smell evokes for you
3.What 's summer-the smell of basil and tomatoes
Winter-the smell of warm bread and pottage of lentils mother
Autumn-the smell of roast beef and early cakes in the oven
La Primavera - the smell of fresh fruit and flowers on trees
4.What is your favorite spice?
Oscillo between cardamom, nutmeg and cinnamon
5.What is your favorite herb?
Rosemary in winter and summer basil
6.Quale perfume or aftershave do you use?
always (so at least 15 years) Eau d'Issey by Issey Miyake ... perfume, deodorant and body lotion ... an obsession
7.What is the smell of the house of your dreams?
The smell of lavender reminds me of Provence and Ireland in the spring, the sweet smell of invading soon as you open the door and invites you to sit back ...
8.Quale essence wood has the best perfume for you? Certainly the Scots pine
9.Qual is the smell that you hate most? That's not fresh fish
10.What is the most artificial aroma makes you sick?
The aroma of popcorn in the American candy Jelly Beans
11.Anticipando the times when, having no more oil, rapeseed oil will travel (by sending around the smell of fried?) As a fuel edible and fragrant We are happy in your engine ?
Essence of white musk
12.Annusando the blogosphere ... Which flavor (or taste) to match your favorite blogs?
Saffron and Pepper - easy ... saffron, notes of flowers and a fresh fruit
Francescav-Almond milk
Sweet Recipes -
Chantilly Cream Delight - Caramel
Fior di Zucca - Green tea
The Head in the Pot - Baked Bread